Thorough checks for grandstand security
Access controls will be executed by our security officers. All Formula One entry passes are verified through scanning devices to ensure that only legitimate ticket holders or staff are allowed into the designated zones.
Secondly, no restricted items will be allowed into the race venue. Each participant has to go first through a thorough bag check conducted by our security officers, and any restricted items found, such as selfie sticks, beers or drugs, will be disposed of. Hand-held metal detectors will also be used when necessary.
As harmless as they may seem, these restricted items can exacerbate the emotions of Formula One fans, resulting in the break out of unexpected quibbles or fights. Should there be a need for refreshments, participants can purchase them from the authorised sellers onsite.

Spotting and restraining malice parties
As an international event, the Singapore Grand Prix is highly susceptible to threats or attacks from malice parties. Security officers will be deployed at multiple locations to monitor and prevent anyone from trespassing into the race tracks. They will also be making foot patrols based on instructions given by the Formula One Security Marshals.
Participants can rest assure that individuals found guilty of plot, arson or other offences will be arrested immediately to prevent damage from being made. Should any accident occur, the medical assistance team will be instructed to attend to the injuries immediately.

Protecting the media, sponsors and celebrities
The media, sponsors and celebrities are often another easy targets for attacks. Malice individuals are always on the lookout for openings where they can get close to these parties and press conferences could be one of them. It is of paramount importance that our security officers only allow invited parties to enter these exclusive events. Furthermore, Executive Protection Officers will also be deployed to escort these VIPs at all times. We will work together with other security partners to be vigilant and prevent the occurrence of malicious attacks against our VIPs.
With just a few days left to the 2018 Grand Prix, we, here at SRS is well-prepared and ready to assume our duties and responsibilities. At the same time, we are just as excited about the stunning performances from Jay Chou, Martin Garrix and Dua Lipa to name a few. The Formula One Singapore Grand Prix is our pride and we will do whatever it takes to ensure its smooth operation and a pleasant experience for all participants. See you there!
Photos courtesy of 2018 Singapore GP Pte. Ltd.